UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021 Declared
– PC : My Result Plus
UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021: The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released the UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021 on May 26, 2022. Candidates who had attempted the Provincial Civil Services (PCS) Preliminary examination 2021 can proceed to check their qualifying status on the official website of UKPSC at ukpsc.gov.in.
Alongside the result, the Commission has also made the cut-off marks and revised answer key for the exam available for viewing and downloading. The same can be accessed on the link mentioned above.
UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021: What’s Next?
After the result declaration, the candidates who have been declared qualified will have to appear for the UKPSC PCS Mains examination. The Mains examination is scheduled to be held from August 20 until August 24, 2022.
UKPSC PCS Prelims Exam 2021: Details
The Preliminary examination to recruit candidates to 318 vacant posts was conducted on April 3, 2022. The recruitment exam was held to fill posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police, Information Officer, Finance Officer, Block Development Officer and other posts.
The Prelims exam was conducted for a total of 300 marks. The paper comprised two sections (General Studies and General Aptitude) and a duration of 4 hours was provided to the candidates to answer the paper. 1 mark was awarded for each correct answer in Paper I, while 1.5 marks were awarded for filling in correct answers in Paper II. 0.25 marks were deducted for wrong answers.
UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021: Steps to Check
Candidates who had appeared in the Preliminary exam must adhere to the following steps in order to check their qualifying status for the exam.
- Log on to the official website of UKPSC at ukpsc.gov.in.
- Click on the option that reads ‘Results’.
- You will end up on a new page where the link to check the UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021 will be visible.
- Click on the link.
- A PDF file will appear on the screen which contains the roll numbers of candidates shortlisted for the Mains exam.
- Check for your roll number and download the PDF file on your device. Print its copy if the need may be.
The direct link to check the result for Preliminary examination has been provided below for the convenience of the candidates.
Check UKPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021 here
Link to official website: ukpsc.gov.in
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