10th Pass Govt Job 2023: Huge Government Recruitment for 84865+ Vacancies for 10 Pass has come so we request you to read this article till the end and share this post to those who are in dire need of jobs.
10th Pass Govt Job 2023
Post Name વિવિઘ
Organization name Staff Selection Commission General Duty
Place of employment Gujarat and India
Means of Application Online
Official website https://ssc.nic.in/
Post Name
By SSC GD as mentioned in notification
General Duty Constable
empty space
According to the information given in the advertisement total vacancies in this recruitment of General Duty Constable by SSC GD is 84866, in this recruitment 29283 in CRPF, 19987 in BSF, 4142 in ITBP, SSB 8273, 19475 in CISF and 3706 in AR are going to be recruited.
Salary scale
After the selection of the candidate in this Staff Selection Commission recruitment, the candidate will be paid a monthly salary of Rs 21,700 to Rs 69,00 as per the 7th Pay Commission of the Govt.
To apply in this recruitment of Staff Selection Commission you need to have passed 10th standard or its equivalent. For more information regarding eligibility, please read the advertisement once.
Selection process
written examination
physical examination
Verification of evidence
Medical examination
Age limit
The minimum age limit to apply in this SSC GD recruitment is 18 years while the maximum age limit is 23 years. The reserved category candidates and women can get relaxation in this age limit.
Documents required to apply
aadhar card
PAN Card
Election card
Living Certificate (LC)
Study Mark Sheet
and others
Important dates
The RTI reply regarding this recruitment has been released by the organization and this recruitment advertisement will be released soon. The application for this recruitment will start from 24 November 2023 while the last date of submission of application will be 28 December 2023.
Starting Date of Form Filling:-24 November 2023
Last Date of Form Filling:-28 December 2023
How to apply?
First download the advertisement using the link given below and check whether you are eligible to apply or not.
Now go to SSB official website https://ssc.nic.in/
Now click on the option of “Register Now” given on the right side of this website.
Now fill all your details in the online form and upload the necessary documents so your registration will be done.
Now login using id and password.
Now click on the option of “Apply” given against the post for which you want to apply.
Pay online fee now.
Now take a print out of the online form.
So your form will be filled successfully.
Required link to apply
To read the job advertisement Click here