Tip to Keep Result Fear at Bay
– PC : My Result Plus
UP Board Results 2022: A slew of result announcements by various state boards within the recent bygone days has given rise to a highly competitive environment. Such a milieu often instills fear, anxiety, distress and feelings of self-doubt among the students. A number of contributing factors that fuel such emotions are plenty.
While the Class 10 students are unsure about choosing the befitting stream after board exams, the perturbation among Intermediate students is triggered by the cut-throat competition to garner seats in the desired college in their preferred course.
Fear, anxiety and distress are such emotions that know no bounds. The onset of such emotions begins among students since the release of the exam notification and continues till the results are announced. Now, that all the Indian state boards are done with the exams for Matriculation and Intermediate students and are on the brink of announcing the results, here is a detailed guide for all such students who are reeling under the stress to face their exam results.
- Avoid Catastrophizing: Often sparked by overthinking, catastrophizing essentially means envisioning a situation to be far worse than it actually is. A major fraction of the students repeatedly keep asking them the ‘What If’ questions, such as, What If I don’t perform upto the mark? This leads to the creation of such scenarios in the head that do not exist. Also, you always end up imagining the worst outcome for yourself. A simple trick to keep this phenomenon at bay is to indulge in relaxation techniques such as meditation, which often reminds you to live in the present.
- Conceive a backup plan: Everyone plans their success, but only a few people plan their failure. Failure does not only imply flunking the exams, but the condition in which one does not end up achieving the desired target. Hence, if you are a 10th grader, talk to your seniors and experienced elders regarding the appropriate career stream to choose after result declaration. If you are an Intermediate student, prepare a list of your preferred courses and universities, connect with the university officials to get a hang of their admission criteria and alleviate your concerns.
- Identify the source of your fear: In numerous cases, it has been observed that students are more concerned about what their relatives and other societal elements would think of them on not achieving a decent score, instead of their future aspirations. Once the bone of contention is identified, you can take the required steps to mitigate such a phenomenon. Such steps may vary from individual to individual.
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