NATA Results 2022
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The Council of Architecture (CoA) will is expected to declare the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) results 2022 for phase 1 tomorrow, June 20. Candidates who appeared for the NATA Examination can check their score card by entering the log-in credentials such as email ID and password allotted to them on the official website of NATA at nata.in.
The CoA conducted the NATA on 12th June, 2022, after releasing the admit card on June 7. The NATA examination is conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA), a working body of CoA.
After the declaration of the result, the Candidate can also apply for the respose sheet through which they can compare their response to the NATA questions with that of the answer key declared by the NIASA. To avail the response candidate will have to pay a fee of Rs 3000. The result of NATA 2022 will be available in the form of a scorecard. Moreover, the validity of the NATA result will be only one year.
NATA Result 2022: Steps to check Results
All the candidates who appeared for the NATA 2022 exams can check their result by following the simple step-by-step guide mentioned below:
Step 1: Visit the NATA 2022 official website – nata.in.
Step 2: Click on the link that is avialable on the homepage which reads “NATA 2022 result” on the screen.
Step 3: After clicking on the link, you will be redirected to a new page, enter the login credentials such as email ID and password. Once entered, click on the “login” button avialble on the reuslts portal.
Step 4: The NATA scorecard will appear on the screen. Thoroughly check all the details mentioned in the scorecard.
Step 5: Check the result and take a printout of the same for future reference.
Direct Link: NATA Result 2022( To Be Activated soon)
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