Hello friends, in this article we are going to tell you about new ration card , yes friends, list of Gujarat ration card (Gujarat Ration Card Yadi 2023) has been released for all of you. How to get a new ration card?
Every citizen of the country has the right to get a ration card while living within the state. For this, the head of the family has to give complete details in the prescribed format prescribed by the state government and apply in the office of Taluka Mamlatdar / Zonal Officer of his area along with Aadhaar proof.
About How to get a New Barcoded Ration Card?
Ration card is one of the most important documents for residents of India. Through the ration card, the residents of India can get food products at subsidized prices so that they can successfully run their daily life without worrying about low financial funds.
By means of ration cards, the availability of food items is made easy for all people below the poverty line. Also, different types of ration cards are available for different types of people as per their income criteria. How to get a new ration card?
Gujarat state government has announced that ration card holders will get free food grains or free ration under Gujarat Anna Brahm Yojana. A total of 25.23 crore beneficiaries under Gujarat are covered under this scheme. How to get a new ration card? Department of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Gujarat has released all the guidelines regarding the scheme.
Table of New Barcoded Ration Card | How to get a new ration card?
Card Name Ration card
Launched by Central Govt
benefits ration
purpose List of ration cards
Who will benefit? All states
Post type Government scheme
Official website Click here
Brief information about new ration card
As per the provision of Citizen Charter, Taluka Mamlatdar Shri/Zonal Officer Shri has to verify the application of the applicant and spot check as necessary to determine the category of the card, obtain photographs and bio metric details of the family head/members, issue a barcoded ration card. How to get a new ration card?
Under the Barcoded Ration Card scheme, the card holder has to visit the e-gram / cyber cafe based on their biometric details to get barcoded coupons of the quantity of essential commodities available according to their card category. Individual coupons are printed on A-4 size barcoded coupon sheets for all items available to cardholders.
The state government has fixed the price of this coupon sheet at Rs. P/- has been fixed. A cardholder copy is also printed in the middle of the coupon sheet. While cutting the barcoded coupon on both ends of the A/4 size paper sheet as required and paying the indicated amount to the fair price shopkeeper / kerosene agent / feria, the quantities printed on the coupon are to be obtained.
How to get a new ration card?
Step-1 Register on the website www.ipds.gujarat.gov.in
Step-R Login to the site after registration
Step-3 After logging in, a page with 6 questions will open. Answer them with yes or no.
Step-4 Accept the terms by answering these 6 questions and enter the second stage.
Step-6 After entering all the details click on button for data.
Step-7 By clicking this button, a five-digit password will be sent to the mobile number given in step-p.
Step-8 After online verification of the details provided in step-p with this password, press the print button
Gujarat Ration Card List 2023
Ration card is one of the most important documents for residents of India. Through the ration card, the residents of India can get food products at subsidized prices so that they can successfully run their daily life without worrying about low financial funds.
By means of ration cards, the availability of food items is made easy for all people below the poverty line. Also, different types of ration cards are available for different types of people as per their income criteria
Gujarat state government has announced that ration card holders will get free food grains or free ration under Gujarat Anna Brahm Yojana. A total of 25.23 crore beneficiaries under Gujarat are covered under this scheme. Department of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Gujarat has released all the guidelines regarding the scheme.
Obtaining a new barcoded ration card
People who do not have any kind of ration card at their current place of residence and people who have been living in Gujarat state for a long time, but do not have a ration card, now if they need a ration card, they can apply in Form-R (Two).
In filling the form for new ration card you will need the following details, so keep it handy before filling the form.
Example of name reduction in existing ration card (if any) or other district ration card
Electricity bill
Driving license
Telephone Mobile Bill
Election Credentials (All Members who have obtained Credentials)
Cooking gas passbook
PNG Last gas consumption bill
Farmer Ledger or Village Form No-8-A
Jobcard of NREGA
Bank passbook
Kisan Credit Card
If the applicant is living on rent, he/she has to submit the rent receipt/ rent receipt. When the house is owned by himself, he has to write the property number and electricity connection number correctly and attach the xerox of the last bill.
Consumers getting cooking gas connection and gas from pipe line have to give the details.
If the member is above 18 years of age and has an election ID card, his number has to be written. (Giving this detail is mandatory.) How to get a new ration card?
After submitting the application form for the new ration card, you need to get access to it and save it, later you can get a new ration card by presenting this access.
If you have any problem related to filling the form, you can tell on toll free number :- 1800 233 PP00
Important Link
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